So last week Joe and I have our annual F U argument and I have backed off what we were "discussing" and let sleeping dogs lie FOR NOW...
But he was running his mouth last night about the show Teen Mom. That is sort of my guilty pressure show I guess...anyway this complete dead beat dad and loser boyfriend/ fiancé whatever is on the TV. He is on the talking with Dr. Drew (that is another blog entry) and they are talking about how moms and dads love differently. Agreed. What pissed me off is that we are butting heads over something that is a big deal to me but Joe is not willing to look at things through my eyes. Disclosure: I said this thinking this might start WW3 again but it did not thank you God! But a part of me was sick or hearing him oh I understand, blah blah blah...
You need to be quite. Quick fast and in a hurry! How is that you are watching this show for 5 minutes and you completely understand what this loser is saying but you know me (....) and you are not even willing to listen to what I have to say. You can't put yourself in my shoes for those 5 minutes but you can his....
Joe stopped and kind of looked at me and just shut up? What? That is what I am surprised about!
Then one of the girls is maybe knocked up I say good grief they can't take care of the baby they have and they are having another and I can't get my husband to agree to one more!
That opened the baby door (not like a doggie door, but you know what I am saying) First, he says when Chase is in Pre-k, okay so that means we can get started trying in the fall and we will have a summer baby. Then he realized that was this YEAR!
No, I think we should wait until Chase is in K5...
what is the difference at that point?
ugh oh ugh....yeah and again with the back tracking.
Then he says so how many more do you want to have? You know - I know one, but I love kids...?
What are you saying? 4?
Yea, maybe!
This is where I am baffled - you will not decide about one but you will about 2 - you kind of have to get to one first!
All this makes my brain hurt....
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